  • +39 366 3477745

PT. Roberta Stella Ambiveri


Physiotherapist specialising in Movement System Impairment Syndromes and Bobath Concept Neuromotor Rehabilitation

I graduated in Physiotherapy in 2007 from the University of Milan Bicocca.

I immediately decided to widen my knowledge by attending both Maitland manual therapy courses and Movement System Impairment Syndrome courses alongside Prof. Shirley Sahrmann, at Washington University in St. Louis (USA).

As well as increasing my expertise in the area of musculoskeletal problems, I became passionate about the Bobath Concept and the treatment of neurological conditions, and have become an experienced clinical practitioner in this field.

My way of working is a fusion of the two concepts that allowed me to build clinical reasoning: manual skills refined by the Bobath Concept and precise and selective testing skills involved in Movement System Impairment Syndrome treatments. In this way I take care of patients of all ages.

I have been a member of staff at Fisioterapia Papa Giovanni since 2018.

I currently collaborate as a lecturer with the University of Milan – Bicocca for the degree course in Physiotherapy.

I am an active member of the Associazione Gruppo DSM, which promotes and enhances the concept of “Movement System Impairment Syndromes” and, with them, I am a practical assistant for professional courses.

I am also finishing my Master of Science in “Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni Sanitarie” at the University of Milan.

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