
Second opinions and professional consultations

Second opinions and professional consultations for patients and physiotherapists
This service is dedicated to patients who have already started a rehabilitation programme at other facilities or, alternatively, to physiotherapist colleagues who, working with a patient, are faced with doubts and need further consultation with experienced specialists in the field of neurorehabilitation. In this way, understanding can be reached regarding further recovery margins for the patient or whether treatment can be supplemented with new suggestions, in order to achieve the best results in terms of functional recovery.

Finally, our counselling service is aimed at people who have already undergone various medical and specialist examinations but have never consulted a physiotherapist, in order to understand how a specialist can help them achieve their goals.

Neurological Rehabilitation

Neurological rehabilitation paths with the Bobath Concept

Paediatric Rehabilitation

Paediatric physiotherapy and rehabilitation with the Bobath Concept

Hand rehabilitation

Hand and upper limb rehabilitation and functional recovery

Foot and gait rehabilitation

Foot and gait rehabilitation, also following neurological injuries

Orthopaedic Rehabilitation

Orthopaedic rehabilitation for adults and children

Rehabilitation for facial nerve lesions

We take care of patients with facial nerve lesions

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, also using the Sahrmann approach

Home Rehabilitation

Home rehabilitation treatment for neurological patients

Second opinions and professional consultations

Second opinions and professional consultations for patients and physiotherapists

Intensive Treatment

Personalised and intensive neurological rehabilitation programmes aimed at maximising recovery in a short time.

How can we help you?

Get in touch with our specialists